How I Make Time For Great Coffee

How I Make Time For Great Coffee

If you love taking the time to craft the perfect coffee routine, and hate feeling rushed to finish your cup. Here is an example of how I try to start my day with enough space to fit in an amazing cup of single origin coffee as part of a holistic approach to starting the day off on in the best possible position. 

I Try To Wake Up Peacefully: I hate to be rushed so by waking up early I get enough time to work through my routine. I set my alarm a bit earlier than usual to give myself time to enjoy the ritual without feeling hurried.
Hydration First: Before reaching for coffee, I drink a 20 ounces of water to rehydrate my body after the night's sleep
Setting the Atmosphere: Create a calming environment. This could mean opening a window for fresh air, playing soft background music, or sitting in a spot in your home that feels particularly peaceful.
Select Your Coffee with Intention: Choose your coffee for the day. Whether it's a single-origin bean that you've been excited to try or your reliable favorite, make the selection part of the ritual.
Grind Your Beans: If you're using whole beans, take the time to grind them just before brewing. The sound and aroma of the grinding beans can be very therapeutic.
Brew Mindfully: Pay attention to the brewing process. Whether you're using a French press, a drip machine, an espresso maker, or any other method, focus on the steps involved. Notice the aromas that emerge as you brew.
Select a Favorite Cup: Use a cup that you love. Whether it's a beautifully crafted mug or a simple cup that holds special memories, make it part of your ritual.
First Sip: Once your coffee is ready, take a moment before your first sip. Smell the aroma, notice the steam rising, and be present in the moment.
Savor Your Coffee: Drink your coffee slowly, savoring each sip. Reflect on the taste notes, the temperature, and the comfort it brings.
Gratitude and Reflection: As you enjoy your coffee, think about what you're grateful for. This could be aspects of your life, the coffee itself, or the peaceful moment you're experiencing.
Planning the Day: While finishing your coffee, take a few minutes to think about your day ahead. Set a positive intention or goal for the day.
Clean Up Mindfully: After finishing your coffee, clean your cup and brewing equipment. Treat this cleanup as part of the ritual, doing it mindfully and without rush.
Transition to Your Day: As you complete your ritual, take a deep breath and transition into the rest of your day with a sense of calm and focus.

This morning coffee ritual is designed to turn a daily habit into a moment of mindfulness and enjoyment. It's not just about the coffee, but also about taking a moment for yourself before diving into the demands of the day.

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