About Us

Hi! I'm Jason and the Mocha Collection is my little coffee company!
I've been drinking coffee since my grandfather introduced it to me when I was a young man in elementary school. When I was young, I'd be the only kid at the curling rink sipping on a cup of terrible joe while everyone was was enjoying a much better (no doubt!) tasting hot chocolate. Coffee and I have been friends for a long time.
While coffee has been a part of my life for almost as long as I can remember, I didn't really know much about the beverage and its history until the last few years. I had my favorite, dependably consistent brand of coffee that I would buy week after week, while telling myself I enjoyed the taste. I didn't know any better.
Gaining a deeper knowledge of coffee started when I went on a coffee tasting tour in Costa Rica where I experienced amazing single origin coffee while learning about the bean, the industry, the challenges and the opportunities.
The Mocha Collective is my love letter to all things coffee. We find the highest quality, single-origin beans from all over the world, and roast them to perfection. So you can experience the amazingly diverse world off coffee from the comfort of your own home.
Thank you for visiting us today!
Jason & Gizmo